
Virtual Card

Mellon’s Virtual Card solution generates virtual card details that is bound to the user’s banking account and can be managed as a standard plastic card product in a dynamic way fro...

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PIN & File Manager

PIN & File Manager (PFM) is a data preparation software that can take input files consisting of cardholder information and use them as a basis for the preparation of magstripe ...

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ePIN Electronic PIN Issuance Solution

ePIN is an end-to-end software solution that allows a financial institution to issue or change the PIN of their customers electronically based on the split-knowledge principle. ...

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Centralized Card Personalization

When high speed issuance is required, reliability and flexibility are the keys to success. Matica’s central issuance products meet and exceed these requirements, able to print, enc...

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Decentralized – Instant Issuing

Mellon’s cost-effective proposition for instant issuing of cards is not only a way to fasten card issuance, it is also a way to reduce the risks to see the consumer changing her/hi...

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Safe Lock Systems

Safe Lock Systems Mellon offers a large selection of medium and high security mechanical and electronic locks of the highest standard and of guaranteed security. Specifically we o...

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Safe Deposit Boxes & Management System

Safe Deposit Boxes Safe Deposit Boxes combine quality craftsmanship and advanced materials, and are available in 3 types: Manual/Traditional Electronic (for management cos...

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Safes & Vaults

Mellon partners with Robur to offer certified physical security products from accredited testing laboratories and according to European standards (EN) equipment. Mellon has extensi...

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Secure Entrance Doors & Turnstiles

Mellon’s proposition for secure entrance systems helps prevent criminal activity where it matters the most: at the doorway. Secure Entrance Doors With ergonomic designs and certi...

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